Happy Girl


Theatrical Contact Lenses

Theatrical contact lenses are used to enhance your look and your costume into something stunning. You could be a beast with topaz coloured pupils or a white eyed alien from another world. The market today is filled with theatrical contact lens designs and you can have anything that your imagination wants you to be.

You can have the eyes of a jaguar, vampire or a zombie. For the range of selections and prices of costume contact lenses and make up are nowadays almost infinite. These theatrical contacts can be hand painted. Or you could settle for the mass marketed ones.

However, it is important to remember that despite the fact that they are not used for vision correction, these lenses are medical devices and must be used under the care of an eye doctor. Since they are still foreign objects that one places in the eyes, they are likely to cause eye infections.

The care and maintenance needed for theatrical contacts is very similar to those of regular contact lenses.

They should be properly looked after and cleaned so that the colour does not come of and are hygienic to wear.

Avoid using any peroxide or alcohol system to disinfect the lenses, as it may cause discoloration.

Most costume contacts are warranted against manufacturer defect for at least one year. Ensure the life of the theatrical lenses and how long the colour is guaranteed up to.

Always got to a professional to get these lenses fitted, thereby avoiding chances of infection and damage to the eye

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